`Eid-ul-Adha is the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah


A: `Eid-ul-Adha (the Festival of the Sacrifice) is actually celebrated on the tenth day of Dul-Hijjah. (Part No. 7; Page No. 146) All Muslims have unanimously agreed upon this. During this `Eid, it is prescribed to offer Salat-ul-`Eid (the Festival Prayer) as two Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) after the sun rises in the sky to the height of a spear, then draw near to Allah by slaughtering Ud-hiyahs (sacrificial animals offered by non-pilgrims) after the prayer and distributing some of their meat in charity to the needy. You should increase Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and Takbir (saying: "Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]") and give thanks to Allah for His Blessings, especially the blessings of Islam and being guided by the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah (peace be upon him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
